The rink is located in the Avon Volunteer Park. It is an 60’ X 120’ open air ice skating facility and is capable of operating in most temperatures we would encounter in a typical winter season. If we experience prolonged periods of unseasonably warm or rainy weather, it may be advisable not to utilize the facility. The ice surface is accessed by a door located in the southeast corner of the rink. Skaters and observers should restrict themselves to the southeast end of the facility. The north and west sides of the facility house the ice chiller equipment and the Zamboni ice resurfacing machine. These areas are off limits to skaters and observers. We will utilize legendary Zamboni ice resurfacing equipment during the season. Resurfacing will be completed subject to availability of qualified operators and prevailing weather conditions. When automated resurfacing is not available, the ice surface may be cleared by utilizing squeegees and other equipment available at the rink. However, water should never be applied to the ice skating surface by anyone other than the designated Zamboni operator.

Parking is available in the municipal lot at the north end of the facility. Please respect our neighbors by utilizing the Municipal lot whenever you visit the rink. Do not park along South Station Avenue. Thank you for your cooperation in this regard.

In order to maintain the site in orderly condition, food and drinks will not be available at the facility.

Trash receptacles are available throughout the facility and we request that you be extremely thoughtful when using the site to ensure that all trash is deposited in proper receptacles.

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